Perpetual Traffic

Perpetual is a fancy word for infinite or ongoing.

How would you like to get ongoing stream of high quality traffic?

On this page we are not going to talk about a fancy traffic exchange, but a way to keep buying high quality traffic.

(Almost) no one knows about this !!!

Uptil Augustus  2023 the new MMP admin was under NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement). In his spare time he’s a beta tester and/or bartering translator of many projects. What what Kevin has launched in September, to solve one of the pressing matters when you are you from the UK, USA, Canada, Singapore, Netherlands and many other countries. Watch this video recording, it will BLOW you away.

Simply follow all the instructions. Its super simple to setup. Even when you’re a complete novice and never done anything with crypto wallets before.

Compounding calculator

What life is like to make 0.12-0.20% in 100% guaranteed in USDT rewards per day? Google for you favorite compounding calculator. Actually the 6% per months tops is based on internal compounding. Thus without compounding you will make 4% per month. That’s an APY of 48%. Nothing competes with that! Not even staking. Also no more need for Forex, no more PAMMs, no more crazy arbitrade deals, no more whatever. Simply earning 4-6% per month, with only 7 mouse clicks every day 50 days.

What does this that have to do with Traffic Generation?

Everything !!

Solo Ads example

IF you purchase traffic you expect a ROI on your budget right?

Hypothecal example: Lets say we spend $100 on Solo Ads, it would be nice to get 300 views from them, 10% conversion to 30 optins, and maybe 9 sales (3% of 300). To justify you ad budget those 9 sales have to equate to $12 profit per sale, to run break-even. Otherwise it makes no business sense. Based on profits you can run more Solo Ads. That’s supposed to be never ending circle too. But ..

The Karbon example

Note: this is not financial advice. Its simple math.

If 4% is the rewards you earn each month; spendable money you can transfer from MetaMask an a Crypto Debitcard.

Then to earn $100 in rewards, someone would need in (100% / 4%) = 25 times the budget.

In other words $2500 in Karbon NFTs. Times 4% per month. Equals $100 per month.

To rub it in: an one-time $2500. Will earn you $1200 per year in advertising budget. Every single year.

WTF ?!

Exactly. Crazy right?

Why does almost no one know about this? Kevin initally lanuched it for his Karbon traders memberbase. As a patch to lick our wounds we couldn’t trade anymore due to countries legislation. Its been an open to general public for 9+ mohths now.

It has no crazy multi-level plan. Just a 10% affiliate commission on the rewards a referral generates. Not one-time, not per month, but for life. Even when the NFT transfers owners, the commission rewards will be tied to the referrer.

So I’m prior example. You $100 profit on $2500 ‘seed money’would generate a $10 commission per month. Doesn’t make anyone rich, but it adds up over-time.

We recovered the domain May 25th, 2024. A (new) admin is filling up the site as we speak. Like to help?

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