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MegaMarketing.Pro v2024 - new owner - improved system - new journeys ahead! 🚀

From the new admin‘s desk: June 1st, 2024, 18:18PM (Amsterdam / CEST timezone). It has literally just come to my attention — being a follower of Ed’s YouTube channel — how he joined HBA too.

As have I. Actually reactivated HBA last month myself. I’m not his sponsor. I’m a just a servant leader who builts training & replications systems; have since the Empower days of 2013. Very recently HBA has made some upgrades that’s attracting many more 6- and 7-figure leaders. Like the LetsGoal app.

"Join me ! Join me !"

Sorry to disappoint. I don’t do that nonsense. I have my own loyal followerbase, and want to give ample opportunity to Ed’s to enroll. Before prelaunching this site by opening up registrations.

However, it does allow for relaunching the new MMP — dubbed v2024 — much sooner. By simply recycling Ed’s content. I’m way too busy coding other projects. Can’t do everything on my own. 😉

Why revive MMP?

Here’s a better question: why not?! I was already building a replicable review platform, comparing all the different offers MIF leaders are in, to have multiple options towards personalizing our income stream 2 & 3. And while adding a few advertising resources (based on Ed’s prior Youtube vids), I was wondering to myself: IF only MMP would still exist. *sob face* To answer the question: strong brand presence, with loads of leadsleap pages still directing to it. Which brings me to the next few Qs ..

Rebuilding & adding new traffic sources?

It also reminded me about a HBA webinar with Mike Hobbs a while back, where he literaly said: “Some people are stil searching for the holy grail in traffic generation” [..] “The secret loophole to traffic generation doesn’t exist”. Well, it used to !! And when I saw the MMP domain was floating in cyberspace? I just had to acquire it with profits made through crypto hodling. It didn’t cost $40 though, a lot more, yet worth it! Been a student of Ed’s marketing systems for many many years.

It has always been the dream to, one day, built an eco-system like it, and this year I will. Not only MMP, it’s simply a great starting point!

Update June 4th: Any and all concerns about me ‘abusing’ the traffic or other crazy allegations I’ve already heard? Servant leadership is a lonely road. I didn’t get featured voted(!) onto BFH several times, and on a 1st name basis with many leaders (including Ted Nuyten himself) for not leading with utmost care and integrity. I understand the fears, but they are misplaced. I can’t share more then that at the moment, because any link I give-out causes ‘leakage’. The whole point of building platforms like these is to share in the wealth, not to have everything glide into a single person’s pockets. Neither do this ..

Old vs New referral links?

Here’s some GREAT news for past users! The old system used “?id=” referral links with numbers.

The MMP v2024 system uses “?userid=” with usernames created during (the new) signup process.

Which means, they can be mapped onto eachother; at a small fee; donationware*. As it entails some custom coding on my part. Did something similar for a different project; connecting IDs through a LeadsLeap tracker / rotator link. So you can decide for yourself what you want to bridge it to. Will even include a video tutorial in the backend outlining the options you have; at your service!

Update June 5th:  Also like before; you will be able to personalize EVERY referral link with your own. “How does the admin make money then?”Thanks for the concern, I wonder that too sometimes. lol. As the maintenance costs are substantial indeed. Like I said: the donationware angle, but we might have a premium subscription side to the platform in 2025. I fancy laying on the beach too and not spend all my waking hours managing 52 other sites like MMP. The reason I’m doing this? The Endgame? See backend (soon).

Update: including old subdomains

*) Donationware means any amount you see fit. Starts at $1 and has no upper limit. To be paid through the external platform. Can be an one-time donation or monthly recurring. Every $ helps; everybody, to thrive.

Update June 3rd: with the intent to bridge LiveGood and HBA too. As my HBA sponsor — living legend Robert Fore — has many different resources in that area. Including how to hook GetResponse to LG. And I myself know a thing or two about integrating LeadsLeap’s Sendsteed into the HBA page builder. Or SendShark. Even Systeme. All running in MMP.

Goodbye low profile

So on the 25th of May 2024 I acquired the domain you’re on again now, but kept it silent. Don’t want my messenger /nbox queues exploding. Hence I put up this ‘under construction’ page. Until June 1st

Content is king !

P.S. I only acquired the domain. I do not have the old site’s content. Neither the userbase. Everything has to be rebuild from scratch. But I’m an experienced admin and pretty quick with releasing systems. Couple of weeks and everything should be ready to go. Prelaunch can be done much quicker. Monday, 3rd of June probably. All because of a forked Premium theme abbreviated to AFP.

"Who are you anyway?!"

I’m very open & integrous. Am easy to find online. Have a track record in IT,  teamsites, on BFH, and opensource going all the way back to ’90s. But for now keeping it all secret. Your secret admin 🙂

Not to build suspicion, but like I said, I like being low profile. and still setting up the support systems too. I’ll tell you this: we will NOT have a Facebook nor app group. Or at least not one I’m in. Ed has ADHD and dyslexia. My superpowers are ADHD too, next to Bipolar type 2, and high functioning autism. I suffer greatly from sensory overload very fast. Shouldn’t be on SM at all. Only the MIF group is an IPA (income Producting Activity). When you cannot find the answers in the new MMP backend? Neither on Google? Then you won’t find them anywhere else anyway. Well, now you can ask your questions; on HBA dailly webinars with top leaders and their FB group. Such a breeze of fresh air!

P.S. and am member in Ed’s LiveGood downline PLUS well connected with other servant leaders in Livegood & more. My LiveGood sponsor being the skilled systems developer: David Dekel. Who got introduced by Dave Gardner (GVO trainer), who got sponsorred by Jeff Aman (ECfunnel). Each leader, including myself, brings something unique to the table & will be featured in MegaMarketing.Pro too.



next powerline cut-off & payday

During final testing ran into interesting issues. Happened on a different project too. PHP 8.2 deals differently with certain procedures than PHP 7.4 does. in other words couple of days delay. Keep an eye out on your inbox? Well that’s the part that ain’t working hehe.

  • Step 1 How did you hear about us?
  • Step 2 Your access information?
  • Step 3 Get Access Now!

estimation for registration opening

This is turning into the longest VSL without selling anything, or sign up to (at the moment). And its been only 72hrs that I started rebuilding. Already had a chat with Edward too. Just to be clear to everybody else? Just because he’s aware the site is online again, doesn’t mean he knows any more than anyone else does.  He probably will get ‘1st mover advantage’in the new backend. Together with a couple of other keyleaders, to iron out the flow. 1st impressions matter. We might do a JV (Join Venture), we might not. It makes sense to do such a thing yes, but the reality is: we both don’t know yet. All I can say for sure at the moment is how things are going to be spectacular; building bridges.

We recovered the domain May 25th, 2024. A (new) admin is filling up the site as we speak. Like to help?

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